How the graffiti came into the museum

It was a matter of millimetres and until the end we were not sure whether we would be able to present the large graffiti from the ETH parking garage. The passageway into the large exhibition hall is 2.10 metres high, but the graffiti measures 2.30 x 2.90 metres. How is that supposed to work? The six strong men of the transport company Möbel-Transport AG managed – with the help of our tried and tested crane – to bring the 450kg graffiti fragment into the exhibition hall. The relief was great for all participants and onlookers and the two smaller fragments were only peanuts in comparison! Now they are all in our exhibition – as a museum sensation. Because original graffiti in a museum – that is a novelty! We would like to thank ETH Zurich for being the first museum to lend us the graffiti and for bearing the high transport costs, which we would not have been able to cover ourselves.

Fotos: ©Manuela Hitz / Anna-Barbara Neumann